Apple safari update for mac
Apple safari update for mac

#Apple safari update for mac how to

Few people need that, and if you’ve built a newsletter in Mailchimp on a Mac, you already know how to do it on the iPad. This isn’t a tutorial on how to use Mailchimp on an iPad. I had to have a Mac, and if I was traveling for more than a couple of days, that often meant I brought both devices along. Until iPadOS 13, though, if that day was a Friday and I had a newsletter to produce, nothing else mattered. Sometimes that’s driven by the platform I’m working on at the time, and other days it’s nothing more than the device I feel like using that day. Some days that’s my Mac, but just as often it’s my iPad. I also enjoy the freedom of picking the platform I use for a task. As a result, I prefer my iPad to my MacBook Pro when I’m away from my desktop Mac. I don’t have to worry about whether WiFi will be available for my Mac or fiddle with tethering. Whether I’m traveling to another city for several days or just sitting in a local coffee shop for a few hours, I know I can rely on a stable mobile data connection on my iPad.

apple safari update for mac

If you’re wondering why this matters, the answer is flexibility and choice. Whenever I tried to assemble a newsletter on my iPad, I ran into a show-stopping roadblock at some point. Before iPadOS, that simply wasn’t possible.

apple safari update for mac apple safari update for mac

The result has been that roughly half of the issues of the Club’s newsletters have been produced on my iPad Pro since October. That finally changed with iPadOS 13, which brought one of the most extensive updates to Safari ever. Mailchimp relies heavily on dragging and dropping content blocks in a browser window to build an email newsletter, which abstracts away the raw HTML and CSS nicely, but didn’t work well or reliably on iOS. There’s a lot I like about Mailchimp, but that has never included the company’s web app. For about four years, I’ve sat down at my Mac to produce Club MacStories’ two newsletters using Mailchimp.

Apple safari update for mac